A sales executive from Cisco on a mountain bike trail in the woods

November 2015

Internal communication, Portfolio, Released

Cisco Kids and the mountain bike trail…

On the trail of the lonesome pine…

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We had enormous fun making this film. We took two Cisco sales executives, dressed them in lycra, provided them with state-of-the-art mountain bikes (all terrain bikes, to be accurate) and Danielle, a six foot two guide and mountain bike instructress, (unseen in the film). And sent them off deep into the Surrey woods.

Throughout their journey they talked about Cisco Advanced Services Transactional Services – or ASTS as they like to say. A fascinating world of solutions and service contracts, SoW’s, DSTs, CPEs and other acronyms – quite beyond our simple minds, but this is their world and they understand it thoroughly and communicated it beautifully.

The aim was to inform and inspire Cisco sales teams to negotiate, consummate and close the deal with their valued customers. We are certain it did just that.

Six weeks later we were back to make a second film. Same location, similar scenario, same acronyms, different ‘cast’, (and the same instructress). So we must have done something right.

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Filmed in HD, by HD