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we make films

We'd Love To Tell Your Story


Brand films, case studies, product and service videos. Online, events & social media

a little bit

About us

We love to tell stories.

We create video to tell our client’s stories, to introduce them, to promote them, to explain the things they do and train the people they employ.

We’ve been making video for a long time. We use our experience to help our clients reach, engage and motivate their audiences, and we’re not afraid to learn from others, or to do something new. We are champions of the strategic use of video – or, as they would say in old money, getting more bang for your buck!

We’ve made films for the largest and the smallest concerns. Online, offline, for events, training and social media. And we’ve won a few good awards along the way.

We are Hound Dog. And we make films.



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US Embassy, London

As her time as United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom comes to an end, Ambassador Jane Hartley reflects on the work she has done in the UK. The ambassador shares insights on her arrival in the UK before the …

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MaPS Standards

MaPS Standards are a set of principles and practices that the Money and Pensions Service expect their delivery partners to adhere to and prove that they are doing so. The MaPS standards are approved by the FCA and focus on giving …

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It’s true, you can’t judge a book by its cover… Using novel market research methodologies, Origins dig deeper using digital ethnography to uncover deep, impactful patient insights to deliver authentic audience experiences that transform their clients’ thinking and redefine success. …

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Pathfinders Production Placement by Cignpost – Behind-the-scenes on BBC Casualty One of the biggest issues facing the TV & Film industry right now is providing talented people from a variety of backgrounds the opportunity to gain practical screen skills on-set. …

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Biology in a digital world

Synthace are building Antha, a user-friendly but hugely powerful software platform that gives biologists sophisticated, flexible and integrated control over lab hardware. This enables experiments and lab workflows to be rapidly automated, and data from those workflows to be automatically …


Find out how we can help

Picture of the outside of Hotel Nelligan, Montreal


Content that tells your story

Like the look of what we do? Sign up for our newsletter for updates about what we’ve been up to, production insights and useful information.

Download our free eBook about the power of video to connect more effectively with your customers. A helpful and useful resource for creating engaging content that resonates with your audiences.

Or, if you’ve already identified a need for video, ask us for a quotation and we can help guide you through the creative production process – whether it’s just an initial idea or a fully developed concept, our experienced team at Hound Dog Films can help develop an approach that’s right for you.



Things we are doing. Things we have done. People and places we like. Want to hear more?

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Want to connect more effectively with your customers? Download our free eBook and discover five simple steps for creating engaging customer success story videos.


Thinking about video? Fill in our short questionnaire that will help us understand your specific needs and we’ll be in touch with you shortly to discuss your requirements.

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we'd love to hear your story

A sign on the Curzon Soho cinema that reads 'Good films makes your life better'. Links to a voc pop video of Londoners talking about the importance of video.

It's good to talk

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We’d really love to tell your story, so why not get in touch.

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