Patients at the Marina Dalglish breast cancer unit at Aintree Hospital, Liverpool using Cisco's SPARK app.

March 2016

Portfolio, Released, Technology

A SPARK for Aintree Hospital

Cisco are pioneers in getting tech into unexpected places and situations.

At the Marina Dalglish breast cancer unit at Aintree Hospital, Liverpool, patients often feel isolated with a thousand worries and questions that need answering.

Cisco have adapted their SPARK app so that Patients can use iPads to communicate with each other, nurses and doctors to share and discuss concerns and worries. And it’s transformed the wellbeing of people as they go through their treatment.

See the Cisco SPARK film here: A spark for Aintree hospital.


Patients at the Marina Dalglish breast cancer unit at Aintree Hospital, Liverpool using Cisco's SPARK app.


Dr Anu Shrotri Patients at the Marina Dalglish breast cancer unit at Aintree Hospital, Liverpool talking about Cisco's SPARK app.